Shall we put the suitcase in the trunk? 我们把箱子放在后面的行李箱好吗?
One puppy was lagging considerable behind. 有一只小狗远远地落在后面。
The thoughts of this booty put out all the thoughts of the first, and the reflections I had made more quickly off. 想起这个赃物使我忘却了以前的种种反省,我从前的自责很快就消失了。
The neocons have not only messed up American foreign policy by forgetting their founders' insights.They may also have put a stake through the heart of their own movement. 新保守派忘却了思想鼻祖的远见卓识,打乱了美国的外交政策,不仅如此,他们还危及了运动本身的核心。