- top bottom pincushion correction circuit 上下枕形畸变校正电路
- top-bottom pincushion correction circuit 上下枕形校正电路
- side pincushion correction circuit 左右枕形校正电路
- pincushion correction circuit 枕形校正电路
- The PGA consists of the differential amplifier with variable source degeneration resistor and the DC-offset correction circuit. 该可编程增益放大器采用源极反馈电阻可变的差分放大器结构,且带有直流漂移校正电路。
- As soon as the flyback converter leaves the VCO mode, the power factor correction circuit restores normal operation immediately. 一旦回扫转换器离开了VCO模式,这个功率因素调整电路重新立即恢复到通常的操作模式。
- horizontal pincushion correction 水平枕形畸变校正
- The thesis designs a 12 bit 100MS/s pipeline ADC, mainly the structure of the ADC, the sample/hold circuit, the sub-ADC of each level, the MDAC and the digital correction circuit. 本文研究设计了一个精度为12位,采样频率为100MHz的流水线ADC,主要内容包括ADC中总体结构的设计、采样保持电路、各级子ADC、乘法模数转换器(MDAC)、 数字校正电路等主要单元的设计。
- Passive Power factor correction circuit, two-stage and single-stage APFC circuits are researched, which applications are given by comparison of their performance. 对无源PFC电路、有源两级PFC电路和有源单级PFC电路进行了分析及性能比较,指出它们分别适用的场合。
- Power Factor Correction Circuit Design 功率因数校正电路设计
- linearity distortion correction circuit 线性失真校正电路
- Among the three-phase power-factor correction circuits, the full decoupling circuit is especially suitable for high power fields because of its high input power and good electrical performance. 在三相功率因数校正电路中,全解耦型电路由于其输入功率大,电气性能较好等优势特别适用于大功率场合。
- Principles and design of pincushion correction circuitry for large screen color TV receiver 大屏幕彩电枕校电路原理与设计
- His intuition is invariably correct. 他的直觉常常是正确的。
- The new system consists of a single-chip computer system (AT89C51+PSD311) and alow power consumed analyzer by applying a new ADC chip ADS774, and a dead-time correcting circuit is designed to correct the collecting time. 本系统由单片微机系统(AT89C51+PSD311)组成多道缓存,由低功耗模数转换器组成分析器,与微型计算机通过打印并行接口实现数据通讯,并含有死时间校正电路。
- The teacher wrote the proposed correction at foot. 老师将修改意见写在页底空白处。
- The part contains a high-speed 16-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock, internal reference, error correction circuits, and both serial and parallel system interface ports. 该器件内置一个16位高速采样ADC、一个内部转换时钟、一个内部基准电压、纠错电路,以及串行和并行系统接口。
- There are two breakers in this circuit. 这个电路里面使用了两个断路器。
- A replaceable printed circuit board. 一种可替换的印制电路板。
- Excuse me. Can you tell me the correct time? 对不起,你能告诉我一下准确的时间吗?