I had sooner live in the city than on a farm. 我宁愿住在城里不愿住在农场。
I had just as soon he stayed out of the quarrel. 我宁愿他置身于争论之外。
I became a refugee rather than return to our village precisely because I had a little moral integrity left. 我所以宁可逃出来做难民,不肯回乡,也不过为了这一点点气节。
Mrs Clay's affections had overpowered her interest, and she had sacrificed, for the young man's sake, the possibility of scheming longer for Sir Walter. 克莱夫人的感情战胜了她的利欲,她本来可以继续追求沃尔特爵士,可是为了那个年轻人,她宁可放弃这场追求。