The oil tanker ran aground on a sandbank. 这艘油轮在一个沙洲上搁浅了。
The boat had run aground, but they managed to get her off again. 船搁浅了,但他们设法使它再浮了起来。
The ship ran aground on the rocks. 船因触礁而搁浅。
They were planning to get married and then the war intervened. 他们正准备结婚,不巧却因爆发战事而受阻。
A new report says that efforts to get food to the most vulnerable people are being hampered by fuel shortage strikes and bad weather, which destroys crops. 一份新的报告称,由于燃料稀缺和坏天气破坏粮食生产,为该国最脆弱的人群提供的食品的计划受阻。