"adding lead makes the alloy easier to cast because the melting point is reduced and the fluidity is increased"
"they believe that fluidity increases as the water gets warmer"
a changeable quality;
"a charming Oriental fluidity of manner"
"a certain fluidness in his perception of time made him an unpredictable colleague"
"demographers try to predict social fluidity"
用作名词 (n.)
The moderate caliber enables the blood fluidity change to express precisely. 适中的口径又使血液流动性变化得以精确表达。
The influence of sprue height on the fluidity appears insignificantly. 直浇道高度对流动性无显著影响。
If enteron haemorrhage answers abstinence, delicate fluidity food can eat after haemorrhage stops. 若有消化道出血应禁食,出血停止后可进食清淡流质饮食。