- emitter follower circuit 射极输出器电路,发射极跟随器电路
- CMOS output with an emitter follower can drive a 5V relay nicely as the relays normally have a spec of 3.5V. This saves power and require no flyback components. 带射随器的CMOS输出可以精确地驱动一个5V继电器;就像驱动一般3.;5V的继电器一样
- The purpose of CP is to convert the logic states of the PFD into analog signal suitable for controlling the follow circuit. 为了改善传统鉴相器捕获范围小、捕获时间长的问题,本文介绍一种增加频率检测的鉴相器及电荷泵的设计方法。
- EFDTL Emitter Follower Diode Transistor Logic 射极跟随器二极管晶体管逻辑
- complementary symmetry emitter follower 互补对称射极跟随器
- pure complementary emitter follower 纯互补发射极输出器
- Differential switched emitter follower 差分交换式射极跟随器
- The earliest IC op amp OUTPUT stages were NPN emitter followers with NPN current sources or resistive pull-downs, as shown in Figure 1.6. 最初的集成运算放大器的输出级是NPN电流源的NPN放射追随器或通过电阻下拉,如图1.;6所示。
- emitter follower voltage regulator 发射极跟随稳压器
- emitter follower diode transistor logic 射极输出器二极管-晶体管逻辑
- emitter follow diode transistor logic 射极跟随二极管三极管逻辑
- There are two breakers in this circuit. 这个电路里面使用了两个断路器。
- Investigation on the dynamic target test of emitter follower 射极输出器动态指标测试的研究
- A replaceable printed circuit board. 一种可替换的印制电路板。
- The circuit of the city walls is three miles. 环绕本市城墙的周长是三英里。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海图上标绘出了这艘船该走的航线。
- It is now unlawful for factories to emit black smoke into the air. 工厂向大气中排放黑烟现在是违法的。
- There must be a break in the circuit. 电路中一定有断路。
- A short circuit will blow the fuse. 短路会烧断保险丝的。