Her jaw line tightened to squareness and her eyes went emerald. 她的下颚紧得成了方形,她的眼睛变成翡翠的颜色。
The sun beat down upon him, making his skin glow emerald in the light, and creating a glare from the many trophies and medallions he wore about his neck and across his broad chest. 阳光直射在他的身上,使他的皮肤发出翡翠的色泽,也令他胸前挂满的勋章和战利品变得光彩夺目。
That emerald curtain doesn't match the floor. 那翠绿色的窗帘和地板很不相配。
By spring, the original dark-green short of the fine needles into the emerald green of the coniferous long. 春天到了,原本墨绿色的又细又短的针叶,变成了翠绿色的又粗又长的针叶了。