the deviation (by a vessel or aircraft) from its intended course due to drifting
用作名词 (n.)
You are going to continue your driftage after the entertainment by our protectors. 游乐逗留结束,可在护漂员护理下继续漂流。
Come on with your good fiend, and paticipate in Dayuan forestry centre driftage. 来吧,带上您的亲朋好友,参加林区漂流。
After great revolution, the chef serve driftage of aristocratic home arrives socially, live to beg, return to old trade only. 大革命后,贵族家的厨师侍应流落到社会上,为求生存,只有重操旧业。
Our circumstances changed totally,and I experienced from the superiority of a little princess to the poor situation of driftage,but it made me fear nothing. 从小公主的优渥到流落街头的窘迫,我反而更无惧一切。