In fact, I almost ran down the hall. 实际上,我几乎是奔跑着出了大堂。
I think there's actually a good case for cutting down on imports. 我认为,实际上有一个很好的理由可说明削减进口是正确的。
The smile encouraged him to lay down for a short time the burden of secrecy. 微微的笑容鼓励他暂时卸下了一直压在心底里的沉重负担。
You want him to read him, you are deep in the bottom of my heart for this person left a small space, quietly tenacious That Not sure of the emotion. 你想他念他,你在心底深处为这个人留了一个小小的空间,静静地固守着那份说不清的情感。