a parasitic louse that infests the body of human beings
body louse的用法和样例:
The head louse, Pediculus humanus, lives in the forest of fine hairs on the scalp.Its cousin, the body louse, lives not on the skin but in clothes. 头虱生在人的头发之中,其近亲体虱居于衣服,而不是身体。
To the very end, Eunus fought on, but the Roman Legion captured the beloved slave king.His gruesome fate was to die in prison, his body eaten away slowly by lice. 优尼思奋战到底,但罗马军团虏获大受爱戴的农奴王,他被囚禁致死,下场令人毛骨悚然,全身遭体虱缓慢噬咬致尽。