- 商談,討論,商討
- 嘮叨,饒舌
- 談論,談話,講,說,談,說話,交談
- 說閑話
- 演講
- 揭人隱私
- 表達思想,表示意思
- 招供
- 勸說
- 談著消磨(光陰)
- 講著話使...
- 通信
- 空談
- 嚷叫,發響
- 攀談,搭腔,高談闊論,聊聊,胡扯
- 洽談
- 話題
- 談判
- 談話,交談
- 空話,空談
- 方言
- 演講,講演
- 流言蜚語,謠言,謠傳
- 會談
- 隱語
- 特定說話方式
- 行話
- 閑話
- 討論,商談,商議
- vt. & vi. 說話,談話,交談 say things with sb
- vt. 談論,討論,商談 speak about; discuss
- vi. 表達思想 express thoughts as if by speech
- [S]交談,談話,聊天 a conversation
- [C]演說,講話 an informal speech or lecture
- [U]空話,廢話 empty of meaningless speech
- [S]熱門話題 a subject much talked about by everyone in a particular place
an exchange of ideas via conversation;
"let's have more work and less talk around here"
discussion; (`talk about' is a less formal alternative for `discussion of');
"his poetry contains much talk about love and anger"
the act of giving a talk to an audience;
"I attended an interesting talk on local history"
a speech that is open to the public;
"he attended a lecture on telecommunications"
idle gossip or rumor;
"there has been talk about you lately"
exchange thoughts; talk with;
"We often talk business"
"Actions talk louder than words"
express in speech;
"She talks a lot of nonsense"
"This depressed patient does not verbalize"
use language;
"the baby talks already"
"the prisoner won't speak"
"they speak a strange dialect"
reveal information;
"If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!"
"The former employee spilled all the details"
divulge confidential information or secrets;
"Be careful--his secretary talks"
deliver a lecture or talk;
"She will talk at Rutgers next week"
"Did you ever lecture at Harvard?"
- I wish to talk with you in private.
我希望能私下裡同你談話。 - We need to hold another meeting next week to talk about some technical problems.
我們需要在下周再舉行一次會議,來討論一些技術性的問題。 - In the hall a woman was talking on diet and health.
在那個大廳里,一名女性正在就飲食與健康發表演講。 - He went on to talk about the world situation at present.
他接著又闡述了當期的世界形勢。 - He talked his father into lending him the car.
- I had a long talk with her that night.
那天晚上,我和她秉燭長談。 - The talks between the two premiers will be held next month.
兩國總理的會談將於下月舉行。 - The officers held a long talk about the price control and pay rise.
官員們就價格調控和工資上漲進行了長時間的討論。 - She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society.
她給學會作了一次有關哲學的講話。 - In politics there is too much talk and not enough action.
- talk about( v.+prep. )
(在口語里常用來表示驚訝、羨慕、憎惡等感情色彩) (used to express surprise, admire, hate, etc.)
- talk back( v.+adv. )
頂嘴 answer in a rude way; answer back
talk backDon't talk back!
Ruth was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher.
It annoys me the way the children talk back to you like that.
- talk down( v.+adv. )
大聲說話蓋住(某人),不給(某人)說話機會 silence sb by talking louder and longer
talk down to sbHarry is quite good in meetings but he must learn not to talk down to people.
It's always unwise for a lecturer to talk down to his audience.
talk sb ⇔ downRichard is good at talking his opponent down.
The children were excited and they talked down their teacher from time to time.
- talk into( v.+prep. )
說服(某人)做某事; (把…)說成… persuade sb to do sth; say sth into sth
talk sb/sth into sth/v-ingWe finally talked him into agreement.
The salesclerk talked the customer into buying the new suit.
She talked her husband into having a holiday in France.
He is a man who talks black into white, right into wrong.
I was talked into doing it.
- talk nineteen to the dozen
講得太快 talk fast
- talk of( v.+prep. )
談到; 談論 have a conversation about sb/sth/doing sth
talk of sb/sth/v-ingTalk of the devil, and he will appear.
Talking of an aeroplanes, have you ever had a ride in it?
She talked gaily of art and literature and music.
We talked of his plans for the future.
What did they talk of?
We were just talking of the most exciting books that we had read recently.
Bernard Shaw talks again of writing a play for us.
They talk of building a new library there.
At one stage my friend talked of throwing up his job in advertising, but nothing much came of it.
He is talking of going to college.
She talked of writing a one-act play.
- talk off( v.+adv. )
說得天花亂墜; 說得煩死人 speak at great length
talk sb's head/ear offYou can talk my head off, but you can't change wrong into right.
All I wanted was a chance to read my book, but my seatmate talked my ear off.
- talk on( v.+prep. )
談及 have a conversation about sb/sth
talk on sthFor the rest of the journey she talked on art, letters and other themes.
- talk out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
勸服(某人)不做某事 persuade sb not to do sth
talk sb out of v-ingHe talked his wife out of buying the new car.
His parents talked him out of getting married soon.
- talk over( v.+adv. )
說服某人改變意見 persuade sb not to do sth
talk sb/sth ⇔ overI have talked him over.
They must have a great deal in common to talk over.
Talk it over with your wife and give me your answer tomorrow.
The matter was talked over at the last meeting.
talk sb overIn the end I was able to talk the other committee members over, and they agreed to vote in favour of the plan.
- talk round1( v.+adv. )
說服 persuade sb to agree to do sth
talk sb roundAt first he didn't want to come but I talked him round.
I was against going to China, but Mary eventually managed to talk me round.
- talk round2( v.+prep. )
轉彎抹角地說〔談〕 avoid speaking directly about (a subject)
talk round sthGet down to the brass tacks, and quit talking round the subject.
We don't like talking round things without coming to an decision.
- talk to( v.+prep. )
責罵 scold
- talk up( v.+adv. )
坦白說話 say what you want or think; say what sb may not like
talk sth ⇔ upWe have been talking up the game.
talk upIf you do not talk down to a child, it will surely talk up to you.
- talk with( v.+prep. )
責罵 scold
- idle talk
閑聊,閑扯 gossip〔useless〕 conversation
- the talk of the town〔street〕
街談巷議的話題 sth that everybody is discussing
- talk Billingsgate 用粗話罵人
- talk buckle 談及婚姻,談及婚嫁
- talk business 談生意經,講正經事
- talk Greek 用別人不懂的字眼談話
- talk Hebrew 胡說八道
- talk horse 吹牛,說大話
- talk muggins 說瞎話,胡扯
- talk sense 說得有道理
- talk shop 說行話,說本行話
- talk show 名人專訪
- talk the day's news 談論當天的新聞
- talk turkey 一本正經地談,言歸正傳
- talk aloud 大聲地說
- talk early 早早地說
- talk together 商量
- talk accurately 準確地說
- talk actually 明確地說
- talk admirably 說得很好
- talk agreeably 說得很中聽
- talk amorously 一往情深地說
- talk apologetically 抱歉地說
- talk approximately 大概地說
- talk articulately 說得清楚
- talk badly 講得不好
- talk bitterly 沉痛地說
- talk bluntly 直截了當地說
- talk boldly 大膽地講出來
- talk briefly 扼要地說
- talk broadly 一般地說
- talk brokenly 斷斷續續地說
- talk brusquely 魯莽地說
- talk candidly 坦白地說
- talk cautiously 謹慎地說
- talk circuitously 拐彎抹角地說
- talk civilly 彬彬有禮地說
- talk comparatively 相對說來
- talk confidently 滿懷信心地說
- talk coolly 冷冷地說
- talk decisively 很肯定地說
- talk definitely 明確地說
- talk deliberately 故意說
- talk disrespectfully 毫無尊敬地說
- talk distinctly 清楚地說
- talk emphatically 強調說
- talk exactly 準確地表明
- talk falsely 錯誤地說
- talk feelingly 富有感情地說
- talk felicitously 貼切地表明
- talk firmly 堅定地說
- talk flatly 斷言
- talk fluently 流利地說
- talk frankly 坦率地說
- talk freely 無拘束地談話
- talk friendly 友好地談話
- talk generally 總體上說來
- talk glibly 伶牙俐齒地說
- talk happily 高興地說
- talk harshly 嚴厲地說
- talk highly 讚揚地說
- talk hoarsely 聲音嘶啞地說
- talk humbly 謙卑地說
- talk impressively 說得給人留下深刻印象
- talk incoherently 說話語無倫次
- talk individually 個別交談
- talk intelligibly 說得清楚明白
- talk interestingly 說話風趣
- talk ironically 諷刺地說
- talk legally 從法律上來說
- talk lightly 輕蔑地說
- talk loudly 大聲講話
- talk naturally 自然地說
- talk nervously 緊張不安地說
- talk objectively 客觀地說
- talk openly 公開地說
- talk passionately 熱情地說
- talk peevishly 氣惱地說
- talk peremptorily 專斷地說
- talk perfectly 熟練地背誦
- talk philosophically 從哲學上來說
- talk plainly 明白地說
- talk positively 明確地說
- talk practically 實際上說
- talk properly 確切地說
- talk quickly 說得很快
- talk reproachfully 責備地說
- talk roughly 粗魯地說
- talk safely 有把握地說
- talk sardonically 挖苦地說
- talk slightingly 輕蔑地說
- talk softly 溫和地說話
- talk soothingly 安慰地說
- talk stoutly 堅定地說
- talk succinctly 扼要地說
- talk sweepingly 一概而論地說
- talk tactfully 婉轉地說
- talk technically 從技術上來說
- talk truthfully 如實地說
- talk unkindly 不友好地說
- talk unthinkingly 未經思考地說
- talk vulgarly 說話粗魯
- talk widely 廣泛論述
- talk back 回嘴,反駁
- talk down 駁倒
- talk out 把話都講完
- talk over a matter 討論一件事情
- talk over the plan 討論這計劃
- talk round 說服
- talk up 大聲講,大膽地講
- talk about the elections 談論有關選舉的事
- talk about the problem 談論問題
- talk about the work 談論工作
- talk against others 說別人的壞話
- talk at length 詳細闡述
- talk for an hour 談一小時
- talk sb into buying a new car 說服某人買一輛新車
- talk of one's trip 談論旅行見聞
- talk of the matter 談到那件事
- talk on a topic 談論某一話題
- talk on politics 討論政治
- talk over the phone 在電話里談話
- talk through an interpreter 通過一位譯員交談
- talk to oneself 自言自語
- talk to some foreign sailors 同外國海員談話
- become the talk 成為話題
- break off the talk 中斷會談
- carry out talks 談話,進行會談
- cease a talk 停止談話
- compose a talk 使討論靜下來
- continue a talk 繼續談話,繼續會談
- deliver talk 講演
- end a talk 結束報告,結束演講
- finish one's talk 講完,結束報告,結束演講
- give a talk 作一次報告
- have a talk 聽交談
- hear a talk 聽報告
- hold a talk 進行交談
- hush talk 使討論靜下來
- listen to a talk 聽報告,聽演講
- make talk 閑談,無話找話談(以消磨時間)
- muzzle talk 使談話靜下來
- overhear sb's talk 偷聽某人的談話
- silence talk 使談話靜下來
- start a talk 開始講話,開始作報告
- stifle talk 使談話靜下來
- all talks 空話連篇
- big talk 說大話,吹牛皮
- boasting talk 說大話,吹牛皮
- careless talk 漫不經心的談話
- casual talk 隨便談談
- double talk 含糊不清的騙人話
- earnest talk 誠摯的會談
- empty talk 空談
- fast talk 花言巧語
- formal talk 正式談話,正式會談
- frank talk 坦率的談話
- free talk 隨便的談話,自由談話
- friendly talk 友好的交談
- good talk 好報告,好演講
- heart-to-heart talk 開誠布公的談話,談心
- interesting talk 有趣的報告
- large talk 誇張之詞
- long talk 長談
- loose talk 信口胡說
- much talk 許多傳說
- plain talk 坦白的談話
- poor talk 糟糕的報告
- preparatory talk 預備性會談
- private talk 私下交談
- public talk 公開談話
- short talk 短時間的交談,短的報告
- small talk 聊天
- straight talk 坦率的談話
- sweet talk 甜言蜜語
- baby talk 兒語
- broadcast talk 廣播講話
- business talk 談生意
- peace talk 和談
- radio talk 廣播講話
- sales talk 推銷商品的講話,商品宣傳
- shop talk 行話
- table talk 席間閑聊,餐桌漫談
- in the talks 會談中
- minutes of talks 會談紀要
- series of talks 一系列講話
- talk of the town 眾人的話題
- talk on bringing up children 有關如何培養孩子的報告
- talk on photography 有關攝影的報告
- talk on sb's visit to China 有關某人訪問中國的報告
- talk with the visitors 與客人們的交談
There was always talk and debate, a..scandal to discuss.
出自: L. Uris -
No advanced civilization without conversation: talk was not only enjoyable, it was liberating.
出自: J. Gross -
He felt that he could talk to her, tell her anything.
出自: D. Barnes -
I've always wanted to have the chance to talk with you.
出自: C. P. Snow -
You understand, it was the liquor talking, if I said anything to wound you.
出自: fig.