having a tail of a specified kind; often used in combination
His feeble excuses soon tailed off (into silence). 他的藉口站不住腳,很快就沒詞兒了(不作聲了).
He tailed the spy to his hotel. 他跟蹤那間諜到他住的旅館。
The actor's voice tailed away as he forgot his lines. 那演員忘了台詞,說話的聲音越來越小了。
A rounded eyelike marking, as on the tail of a peacock. 眼狀斑點圓形眼狀的斑點,如孔雀尾巴上的
Some boys tailed after the parade. 有些孩子尾隨在遊行隊伍之後。
Just at that point a devil let him have the feel of his tailed whip and cried: "Move on, you pimp, you can't cash in on women here!" 當他這樣說時,一個惡鬼用鞭子抽打他,說道:「滾吧,王八蛋!這裡沒有女人替你賺錢。」