unmistakably (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly');
"the answer is obviously wrong"
"she was in bed and evidently in great pain"
"he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list"
"it is all patently nonsense"
"she has apparently been living here for some time"
"I thought he owned the property, but apparently not"
"You are plainly wrong"
"he is plain stubborn"
in a simple manner; without extravagance or embellishment;
"she was dressed plainly"
"they lived very simply"
用作副詞 (adv.)
Try to express yourself more plainly. 盡量表達得清楚些。
The mountain tops are plainly visible from the village. 自該村望去,群山之巔清晰可見。
That is plainly wrong. 那顯然不對。
You are plainly unwilling to co-operate. 你顯然不願合作。
To put it plainly, he's a crook. 實話實說吧,他是個騙子。
Most of the people were plainly dressed. 大部分的人都穿得樸素。
She was plainly dressed and wore no make-up. 她衣著樸素,粉黛不施。