a small inflamed elevation of the skin; a pustule or papule; common symptom in acne
用作名詞 (n.)
The pimple came to a head before bursting. 丘疹長成膿包後才破裂。
This statistic still does not make it any easier when you look in the mirror and a big pimple stares right back at you. 但是當你面對鏡子時,如果一個巨大的丘疹在裡面盯著你,這種數據絲毫不會讓你感到輕鬆一些。
A line-end node will not vary much, so it will not appear in front of a pimple. 一股線結的結不會很大,所以不會在前面顯出一個疙瘩。
Some women suddenly feel after menstrual genital Throw Down the evening with hot water washing when the piece will emerge into a large pimple. 有的女性經期后突然感覺外陰很癢,晚上用熱水洗的時候,還會出現成片的大疙瘩。