- do shoddy work and use inferior material 偷工減料
- jerry-Build; cheat in work and cut down material; do shoddy work and use inferior materials 偷工減料
- It is up to the teacher not to accept shoddy work. 教師不應接受敷衍潦草的作業。
- Sloppy or shoddy work will not benefit the employer and could rapidly cost you your job. 馬虎或偷工減料不利於僱主和費用你可以迅速就業。
- I'm not suggesting we throw caution to the wind, surrender our standards or accept shoddy work. 我不是建議我們去把警惕拋到九霄雲外,放棄標準,或者去接受粗製濫造的工作結果。
- For their shoddy work and vagabond ways, they have a well-earned reputation as hucksters out to hoodwink the outlander colonists on Tatooine. 由於他們劣等的工作及聲名狼藉的作風,他們有著名符其實的聲譽--試圖欺騙塔圖音外來拓殖者的叫賣小販。
- From these complaints, you can see some decoration companies to use shoddy work, shoddy and other despicable means to reap ill-gotten gains. 從這些投訴中,您不難看出有些裝飾公司不惜用偷工減料、粗製濫造等卑劣的手段來牟取不義之財。
- Wang came to the construction team has found more shoddy work behaviour, but because of the established friends, and dare not say face to face straight, gas can only move in mind. 小王更發現施工隊有偷工減料的行為,但礙於朋友的情面,又不敢當面直說,有氣也只能憋在心中。
- It took a long while to do the work. 做這個工作花了許多時間。
- How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎麼開始干那一行的?
- shoddy work and inferior material 偷工減料
- It wouldn't do him any harm to work a bit harder. 工作努力點對他沒什麼害處。
- The lazy woman wouldn't do a stitch of work. 這懶女人一點事都不願做。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 這些數字的總和是多少?
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你樂意的話,可以這樣做。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 別從那無賴手裡買舊車。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要發脾氣。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- Don't scrape your feet on the floor. 別用腳蹭著地板。
- I'll do everything possible to help you. 我會盡一切可能幫助你。