
[du:]     [du]    
  • v. 做;干
  • n. 注意事項;<非正式>聚會;<古>事情
do's did done doing does



v. (動詞)
  1. 做,干,辦
  2. 學習
  3. 算出
  4. 解答
  5. 適用,合用,適合,適宜,適當
  6. 遊覽
  7. 足夠
  8. 製作
  9. 翻譯
  10. 殺死,幹掉
  11. 自殺
  12. 扣上
  13. 行動,進行,實行
  14. 行事,舉止,表現,行為
  15. 從事(工作)
  16. 完成,做完,完結,結束,終止
  17. 代替動詞
  18. 給予
  19. 扮演,演出
  20. 料理,處理
  21. 寫,畫
  22. 攻讀
  23. 發生
  24. 進展
  25. 研究
  26. 生長
  27. 積極做工作,勞動,幹活
  28. 過活,生活,相處
n. (名詞)
  1. 【音】C大調音階中的第一音
  2. 要求
  3. 規定,規則
  4. 該做的事,要求做到的事
  5. 社交活動,社交聚會,宴會,聚會,慶祝會
  6. 騙局,欺騙
  7. 騷動
  8. 注意事項
  9. 交戰
  10. 處置
  11. 行動
  12. 事件,事情
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =Defense Order 防禦命令
aux. (助動詞)
  1. do的助動詞用法
  2. 用於實義動詞前構成否定句和疑問句
  3. 代替實義動詞以避免重複
  4. 句中無其他助動詞時,用以加強語氣
  5. 副詞移置句首時,用以改變主語和動詞的語序


aux. (助動詞)
  1. (構成疑問句和否定句) a helping verb, as in
  2. (代替動詞) in place of another verb, as in
  3. (用於加強語氣) a helping verb, to strengthen or support another verb, as in
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 做,從事 perform the actions that are necessary in order to complete sth or bring it into a desired state
  2. vt. 整理; 使整潔 put in order; cause to tidy; cause to clear away
  3. vt. 烹調,燒,煮 cook dishes
  4. vt. 學習,研究 study; learn
  5. vt. 算出,解答 calculate; reckon; compute
  6. vt. 行過,走過,遊覽 visit; have a look around
  7. vt. 引起,產生 give rise to; bring about; emerge; come into being
  8. vi. 行,足夠 be enough or suitable


  1. an uproarious party

  2. the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization

  3. doctor's degree in osteopathy

  1. engage in;

    "make love, not war"
    "make an effort"
    "do research"
    "do nothing"
    "make revolution"

  2. carry out or perform an action;

    "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"
    "the skater executed a triple pirouette"
    "she did a little dance"

  3. get (something) done;

    "I did my job"

  4. proceed or get along;

    "How is she doing in her new job?"
    "How are you making out in graduate school?"
    "He's come a long way"

  5. give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally;

    "cause a commotion"
    "make a stir"
    "cause an accident"

  6. carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions;

    "practice law"

  7. be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity;

    "A few words would answer"
    "This car suits my purpose well"
    "Will $100 do?"
    "A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school"
    "Nothing else will serve"

  8. create or design, often in a certain way;

    "Do my room in blue"
    "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest"

  9. behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself;

    "You should act like an adult"
    "Don't behave like a fool"
    "What makes her do this way?"
    "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people"

  10. spend time in prison or in a labor camp;

    "He did six years for embezzlement"

  11. carry on or function;

    "We could do with a little more help around here"

  12. arrange attractively;

    "dress my hair for the wedding"

  13. travel or traverse (a distance);

    "This car does 150 miles per hour"
    "We did 6 miles on our hike every day"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He is doing his homework.
  2. Do what I tell you.
  3. To tell you the truth, I hate to do it.
  4. He did little work that day.
  5. Take your time and do it well.
  6. The horse is too old to do farm work.


用作動詞 (v.)
do as (v.+prep.)
    對…適合 be enough or suitable
    do as sb/sth

    These shoes won't do as mountain climbing.


    He won't do as a teacher.


do away with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    廢除,消滅,去掉 abolish
    do away with sb/sth

    That city has decided to do away with overhead wires.


    They did away with the law.


    We must do away with illiteracy.


do for (v.+prep.)
    毀掉,完蛋,累壞 destroy; exterminate
do good (v.+n.)
do in (v.+adv.)
    花光 spend out
do into (v.+prep.)
    改寫; 翻譯 draft; translate
    do sth into sth

    Can you do this poem into prose?


    Please do this passage into Chinese.


do out (v.+adv.)
    粉刷,油漆,裝飾(房間) decorate; adorn; ornament
do out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    騙走 deceive
    do sb out of sth

    The shopkeeper did me out of 1000 dollar


do over (v.+adv.)
    重做,改做,重新布置(房間) do again; repeat
    do sth ⇔ over

    Please do that exercise over again.


    The landlord is doing my apartment over.


    The room was done over in traditional style.


do to (v.+prep.)
    給予,帶來 give; take; bring about
do up (v.+adv.)
    使累垮,使極疲勞; 使破產; 使完蛋 (make) tired; fatigued; weary
do with (v.+prep.)
    與…相處 treat; deal with
do without (v.+prep.)
    沒有…也行,將就,用不著 be enough or suitable; not need
    do without sb/sth

    I can do without your advice.


    We shall do without a holiday this summer.


    No one can do without sleep for very long.


    do without sb v-ing

    We can certainly do without John poking his nose in every five minutes.


    Mother says she could do without the children making so much noise.



用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • It's probable the Kirk has done their doo.

    出自: O. Cromwell
  • If I would not tell where I had done him.

    出自: J. Foxe
  • He did him in his will.

    出自: William Stewart
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