
[klaʊd]     [klaʊd]    
  • n. 雲;陰影
cloudless clouded clouded clouding clouds



n. (名詞)
  1. 雲,雲朵,陰雲
  2. 雲狀物(如塵霧、煙霧、一群飛行的昆蟲),雲狀塵埃、煙
  3. 陰影,黑斑
  4. 一大群,大群,大隊
  5. 霧斑,雲斑
  6. 陰鬱臉色
  7. 遮暗物
  8. 女圍巾
  9. 憂鬱,焦慮
  10. 令人憂慮的事
v. (動詞)
  1. 覆蓋,遮蔽
  2. 使陰暗,使變黑暗
  3. 使混濁,使混亂,攪渾(問題),混淆
  4. 變暗,變黑暗
  5. 變模糊,變混濁
  6. 陰沉下來,陰雲密布,雲層密布,布滿雲斑
  7. 使模糊
  8. 使憂鬱,攪擾
  9. 使烏雲密布,以雲遮敝,籠罩
  10. 變憂鬱,變黯然,(臉色)陰沉下來,顯得陰沉,看起來憂愁
  11. 在(心)上投下苦惱的暗影,使心情黯然,使不快
  12. 破壞(名譽)
  13. 損傷(友誼)
  14. 使難以理解,使記不清楚
  15. 使減少樂趣


n. (名詞)
  1. [C][U]雲 visible water vapour floating in the sky
  2. [C]團,群 mass of smoke, dust, sand, etc. in the air; mass of insects moving together in the sky
  3. [C]造成不愉快或不明朗的事物 thing that causes unhappiness, uncertainty, etc.
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)某物變得陰沉暗淡,不清楚 (cause sth to) become dull, unclear or indistinct
  2. vt. & vi. (使)某人的臉顯得陰沉或憂傷 (of sb's face) show sadness or worry


  1. any collection of particles (e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible

  2. a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude

  3. out of touch with reality;

    "his head was in the clouds"

  4. a cause of worry or gloom or trouble;

    "the only cloud on the horizon was the possibility of dissent by the French"

  5. suspicion affecting your reputation;

    "after that mistake he was under a cloud"

  6. a group of many things in the air or on the ground;

    "a swarm of insects obscured the light"
    "clouds of blossoms"
    "it discharged a cloud of spores"

  1. make overcast or cloudy;

    "Fall weather often overcasts our beaches"

  2. make less visible or unclear;

    "The stars are obscured by the clouds"
    "the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley"

  3. billow up in the form of a cloud;

    "The smoke clouded above the houses"

  4. make gloomy or depressed;

    "Their faces were clouded with sadness"

  5. place under suspicion or cast doubt upon;

    "sully someone's reputation"

  6. make less clear;

    "the stroke clouded memories of her youth"

  7. colour with streaks or blotches of different shades

  8. make milky or dull;

    "The chemical clouded the liquid to which it was added"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky.
  2. When there are black clouds you can tell it's going to rain.
  3. His sudden departure cast a cloud upon our scheme.
  4. The sad news of her father's death was the only cloud on an otherwise happy year.


用作名詞 (n.)
cast a cloud on〔over〕
    在…上投下一層陰影 make sth not very happy
in the clouds
    想入非非,愛幻想 just like to consider, but dislike to do
on cloud nine
    極快樂 extremely happy
under a cloud
    受到懷疑 being doubted
under cloud of night
    趁黑夜 when it is dark
用作動詞 (v.)
cloud over (v.+adv.)
    臉色變得陰沉 cause sb's face to show sadness
cloud up (v.+adv.)
    (使)模糊,變得模糊 cause sth not clear
    cloud up

    My glasses have clouded up after I entered the room.


    The windows have clouded up in the steam.


    cloud sth ⇔ up

    The steam has clouded the windows up.



用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • She is advanc'd Above the clouds, as high as heaven itself.

    出自:Romeo Juliet , Shakespeare
  • Big rain clouds raced across the moon.

    出自: L. Deighton
  • La Condesa rose lightly as a cloud.

    出自: K. A. Porter
  • Cloud may reduce light intensity to as little as five per cent of that of the full sun.

    出自: Anthony Huxley





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