- 雲,雲朵,陰雲
- 雲狀物(如塵霧、煙霧、一群飛行的昆蟲),雲狀塵埃、煙
- 陰影,黑斑
- 一大群,大群,大隊
- 霧斑,雲斑
- 陰鬱臉色
- 遮暗物
- 女圍巾
- 憂鬱,焦慮
- 令人憂慮的事
- 覆蓋,遮蔽
- 使陰暗,使變黑暗
- 使混濁,使混亂,攪渾(問題),混淆
- 變暗,變黑暗
- 變模糊,變混濁
- 陰沉下來,陰雲密布,雲層密布,布滿雲斑
- 使模糊
- 使憂鬱,攪擾
- 使烏雲密布,以雲遮敝,籠罩
- 變憂鬱,變黯然,(臉色)陰沉下來,顯得陰沉,看起來憂愁
- 在(心)上投下苦惱的暗影,使心情黯然,使不快
- 破壞(名譽)
- 損傷(友誼)
- 使難以理解,使記不清楚
- 使減少樂趣
- [C][U]雲 visible water vapour floating in the sky
- [C]團,群 mass of smoke, dust, sand, etc. in the air; mass of insects moving together in the sky
- [C]造成不愉快或不明朗的事物 thing that causes unhappiness, uncertainty, etc.
- vt. & vi. (使)某物變得陰沉暗淡,不清楚 (cause sth to) become dull, unclear or indistinct
- vt. & vi. (使)某人的臉顯得陰沉或憂傷 (of sb's face) show sadness or worry
any collection of particles (e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible
a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude
out of touch with reality;
"his head was in the clouds"
a cause of worry or gloom or trouble;
"the only cloud on the horizon was the possibility of dissent by the French"
suspicion affecting your reputation;
"after that mistake he was under a cloud"
a group of many things in the air or on the ground;
"a swarm of insects obscured the light"
"clouds of blossoms"
"it discharged a cloud of spores"
make overcast or cloudy;
"Fall weather often overcasts our beaches"
make less visible or unclear;
"The stars are obscured by the clouds"
"the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley"
billow up in the form of a cloud;
"The smoke clouded above the houses"
make gloomy or depressed;
"Their faces were clouded with sadness"
place under suspicion or cast doubt upon;
"sully someone's reputation"
make less clear;
"the stroke clouded memories of her youth"
colour with streaks or blotches of different shades
make milky or dull;
"The chemical clouded the liquid to which it was added"
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky.
雲是天空中的水汽團。 - When there are black clouds you can tell it's going to rain.
有烏雲的時候,就知道快下雨了。 - His sudden departure cast a cloud upon our scheme.
他的突然離去給我們的計劃投下一層陰影。 - The sad news of her father's death was the only cloud on an otherwise happy year.
- cast a cloud on〔over〕
在…上投下一層陰影 make sth not very happy
- in the clouds
想入非非,愛幻想 just like to consider, but dislike to do
- on cloud nine
極快樂 extremely happy
- under a cloud
受到懷疑 being doubted
- under cloud of night
趁黑夜 when it is dark
- cloud over (v.+adv.)
臉色變得陰沉 cause sb's face to show sadness
- cloud up (v.+adv.)
(使)模糊,變得模糊 cause sth not clear
cloud upMy glasses have clouded up after I entered the room.
The windows have clouded up in the steam.
cloud sth ⇔ upThe steam has clouded the windows up.
- blow clouds 吞雲吐霧
- disperse clouds 吹散烏雲
- pierce the clouds 聳入雲霄
- dark cloud 烏雲
- dense cloud 濃雲
- fleecy cloud 白雲
- fleeting cloud 疾馳的雲朵
- fluffy white cloud 絨毛狀的白色雲朵
- mushroom cloud 蘑菇雲
- radioactive cloud 放射雲
- storm cloud 暴風雲
- war cloud 戰爭烏雲
- above cloud 在雲上
- in cloud 成群
- under the cloud 在雲層的籠罩下
- up into the cloud 升入雲層
- cloud beer 使啤酒變渾濁
- cloud friendship 影響友誼
- cloud issue 把問題搞得模糊不清
- cloud memory 記憶模糊
- cloud mind 使思緒不清
- cloud mirror 使鏡子模糊不清
- cloud mountain 遮住山
- cloud sky 天空布滿烏雲
- cloud over 布滿烏雲,臉色變得陰沉
- cloud up (使)模糊,變得模糊
- cloud with 因…而模糊
She is advanc'd Above the clouds, as high as heaven itself.
出自:Romeo Juliet , Shakespeare -
Big rain clouds raced across the moon.
出自: L. Deighton -
La Condesa rose lightly as a cloud.
出自: K. A. Porter -
Cloud may reduce light intensity to as little as five per cent of that of the full sun.
出自: Anthony Huxley
- fog 霧
- mist 霧
- veil 面紗
- haze 薄霧
- obscure 難解的
- blur 弄髒
- confuse 使困惑
- darken 變暗
- overshadow 遮陰
- shadow 影子
- dim 暗淡的
- soot 煤煙
- smog 煙霧
- nebulosity 星雲狀態
- smoke 煙
- steam 蒸汽
- rain cloud 雨雲
- puff 噴出
- billow 巨浪
- vapor 蒸汽
- swarm 群
- cloak 斗蓬
- crowd 人群
- flock 一群
- throng 人群
- shade 陰影
- horde 群
- host 主人
- mantle 斗篷
- screen 屏幕
- becloud 使遮暗
- cover 封面
- multitude 大量
- legion 軍團
- befog 用霧籠罩
- despondency 失去勇氣
- oppression 壓抑
- depression 沮喪
- overcast 陰天的
- taint 污點
- adumbrate 畫輪廓
- scandal 醜聞
- disgrace 恥辱
- baffle 困惑
- disorient 使 ... 失去方向感...
- dusk 黃昏
- mystify 迷惑
- gloom 黑暗
- blind 盲目的
- bedim 使 ... 模糊
- perplex 使困惑
- muddle 混亂
- confound 使困惑
- darkle 潛藏暗中
- obfuscate 弄暗
- ill 壞的
- pale 蒼白的
- blacken (使)變黑
- omen 徵兆
- fortune 命運
- defile 弄髒
- smirch 污點
- smutch 污跡
- smear 塗抹
- assemblage 聚集
- maculation 斑點
- stain 污點
- sully 玷污
- number 號碼
- spot 地點
- smudge 污點
- dense 密集的
- oppress 使煩惱
- distress 不幸
- depress 使沮喪
- blemish 瑕疵
- stigma 恥辱
- mass 大量
- vast 巨大的
- upset 心煩的
- obnubilate 以雲遮暗
- tarnish 晦暗
- corrupt 腐敗的
- flight 飛行
- blurred 模糊的
- dapple 斑紋
- mottle 使成雜色
- humiliate 使 ... 蒙羞
- slander 中傷
- brand 烙印
- vilipend 輕視
- slur 誹謗
- defame 誹謗
- denounce 譴責
- malign 有害的
- blanket 毛毯
- mortify 使 ... 受辱
- vilify 誹謗
- gibbet 絞架
- ill fortune 厄運
- stigmatize 污衊
- cloudy 多雲的
- grow 增加
- clear 清楚的