showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity;
"was charitable in his opinions of others"
"kindly criticism"
"a kindly act"
"sympathetic words"
"a large-hearted mentor"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
Acting under the cloak of charity, he made a good income for himself from the gifts of charitable people. 他打著辦慈善事業的幌子,用慈善家們的捐獻中飽私囊。
Charity is a kind of salvation, and now it's even more to charity as the spirit of self-redemption, to participate in charitable initiative getting higher and higher. 慈善是一種救贖,如今的人們更把慈善作為自我精神的救贖,參與慈善事業的積極性越來越高。