



  • - (不幸的遭遇; 災難) catastrophe; calamity; disaster; adversity:

    be faced with imminent disaster; 大難臨頭

    much distress regenerates a nation; 多難興邦

  • - (質問) take to task; blame:

    blame; reproach; 非難

    censure; blame 責難

  • - (做起來費事的) difficult; hard; troublesome:

    The road is bad.; The going is hard. 路難走。

    I found English much more difficult to learn. 我發現英語難學得多。

    - (不容易; 不大可能) hardly possible:

    it's hard to say; you never can tell; 難說

    unforgettable 難忘

    - (不好) bad; unpleasant:

    taste bad; be unpalatable; 難吃

    unpleasant to the ear 難聽

  • - (使感到困難) put sb. into a difficult position:

    This puts him in a difficult position. 這回把他難住了。

    The question put me on the spot. 這問題一下子把我難住了。



  1. 我們很難觀察月亮的另一邊。
    The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe.
  2. 大家的反應如何難以估計。
    It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.
  3. 我解答不了這個難題。
    I can't solve the problem.
  4. 我們突然遇到各種各樣的難題。
    All sorts of problems assailed us suddenly.
  5. 他可以招搖撞騙闖過任何難關。
    He could bluff his way through any difficulty.
  6. 我發現德語語法很難學。
    I found German grammar to be very difficult.
  7. 就英文而言,它並不像你所認為的那樣難。
    So far as English is concerned, it is not so difficult as you might think.


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