



  • - (鎮守的地方) garrison post:

    strategic post 軍事重鎮

    - (行政區劃單位) town:

    townlet; 小鎮

    townsfolk; townsman; 鎮民

    - (較大的市集) trading centre:

    market town 集鎮

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zhen Ping 鎮平

  • - (壓; 抑制) suppress; press down; keep down:

    keep cough down; 鎮咳

    ease pain 鎮痛

    - (安定) calm; compose
    - (用武力維持安定) guard; garrison:

    pacify (rebellious district); 鎮撫

    assume personal command (of a garrison, etc.) 坐鎮

    - (冷卻) cool with ice or in cold water:

    cool by ice; 冰鎮

    put the watermelon in cold water for a while to chill it 把西瓜放在冷水裡鎮一鎮

  • - (平靜) calm; tranquil:

    calm 鎮靜

    - (表示整個的一段時間) whole:

    the whole day 鎮日



  1. 去年這個鎮已有十起破產事件。
    Ten bankruptcies were recorded in this town last year.
  2. 政府將派軍駐守沿海的城鎮。
    The government will garrison the coastal towns.
  3. 空襲幾乎把這座城鎮夷為平地。
    The bombing raid practically leveled the town.
  4. 這小鎮上什麼事也沒發生過。
    Nothing ever happens in this town.
  5. 我遇到他時,他正往鎮上走去。
    He was walking towards town when I met him.
  6. 全鎮沉浸在節日的氣氛之中。
    The whole town is in a festive mood.
  7. 暴風雨後的洪水沖毀了這座城鎮。
    The town was destroyed by the floods after the storm.


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