



  • - (成直線的; 硬挺的) straight; stiff:

    very straight; 筆直

    stiff; numb; 僵直

    - (跟地面垂直的; 從上到下的; 從前到后的) erect; vertical; perpendicular:

    erect; 豎直

    perpendicular; 直上直下

    - (公正的; 正義的) just; fair; upright:

    fair and honest; upright; fair-minded; candid; just; 正直

    bold and assured with justice on one's side; 理直氣壯

    - (直爽; 直截) frank; straight forward:

    honest and straightforward; 憨直

    frank; candid; straightforward; 率直

  • - (挺直; 使筆直) straighten; stretch:

    straighten one's back; stand up straight; 直起腰來

    stretch one's legs 直直腿

  • - (漢字的筆畫,即「豎」) vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zhi Buyi 直不疑

  • - (一直) directly; straight:

    look straight; 直視

    write the truth without fear or favour; 秉筆直書

    - (一個勁兒; 不斷地) continuously:

    cry oneself to sleep; 一直哭到睡著

    talk on and on; 直說個沒完

    - (簡直) just; simply; indeed:

    treat him just like a brother; 待他直如兄弟

    feel a piercing pain 疼得直像針扎一樣



  1. 她對自己的恐懼直言不諱。
    She spoke about her fears with complete frankness.
  2. 我一點也不驚訝她的率直。
    I'm not surprised at her frankness.
  3. 這座山向北的一面幾乎是垂直的。
    The northern face of the mountain is almost vertical.
  4. 她昂著頭,把背挺得筆直。
    She held her head erect and her back straight.
  5. 放學后直接回家。
    Come straight away after school.
  6. 我認為直截了當地告訴他這個壞消息倒是友好的行為。
    I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away.
  7. 他在紙上畫了一條直線。
    He drew a straight line on the paper.


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