



  • - (打眼用的工具) drill; auger:

    bench drill; 台鑽

    fluted or twist drill; 麻花鑽

    - (指鑽石) diamond; jewel:

    diamond ring; 鑽戒

    a 17-jewel watch 17鑽的手錶

  • - (用尖物在另一物體上轉動) drill; bore:

    bore a hole in wall 在牆上鑽個眼

  • - (用尖物在另一物體上轉動) drill; bore:

    drill a hole; bore 鑽個眼兒

    - (穿過; 進入) go through; penetrate; pierce; get into:

    pass through a tunnel; get into a cave; 鑽山洞

    go deep into a forest; 鑽進密林深處

    - (鑽研) make a penetrating study of; study intensively; dig into:

    dig into books; 鑽書本

    study hard at mathematics; 鑽上了數學

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zuan Tu 鑽荼



  1. 他們鑽透了幾層岩石以尋找石油。
    They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.
  2. 經數月鑽探,在沿海找到了石油。
    After months of drilling, oil was found off the coast.
  3. 被蟲蛀的被蟲鑽透或咬嚙的
    Bored through or gnawed by worms.
  4. 鑽井機一種在採礦中用來挖掘礦井時在石頭上打孔的工具
    A rock-boring tool used in mining for sinking shafts.
  5. 鑽孔工具,手鑽鑽孔用的手持工具
    Any of numerous hand tools for boring holes.
  6. 這台鑽機能鑽透岩石。
    This drill can bore through rock.
  7. 這是一個帶有各種配件的電鑽。
    It's an electric drill with a range of different attachments.


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