



  • - (部分; 部位) part; section; division; region:

    inside; 內部

    part; 局部

    - (部門; 機關或組織單位的名稱) unit; ministry; department; board:

    retail department; 門市部

    the Ministry [Department] of Education; 教育部

    - (軍隊等的領導機構或其所在地) headquarters:

    general headquarters; 總部

    headquarters; command; 指揮[司令]部

    - (指部隊) forces; troops
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Bu Ying 部英

  • - (用於書籍、影片等):

    a volume; 一部書

    two dictionaries; 兩部字典

  • - (統轄; 統率) command:

    command many troops 所部甚眾



  1. 環保部門要求我們使用無煙煤。
    We are required by environment protecting department to use anthracite.
  2. 財政不在我們這個部門的管轄範圍之內。
    Finance is not within the compass of our department.
  3. 她在針織品部買了很多襪子。
    She bought many socks in the hosiery department.
  4. 他在社會福利部工作。
    He worked in community welfare department.
  5. 他把部門的管理工作委託給助手了。
    He deputed the running of the department to an assistant.
  6. 他獲任玩具部的負責人。
    He was appointed to superintend the toy department.
  7. 學校的修繕將由教育部門出資。
    The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department.
  8. 部隊繼續前進。
    The troops marched on.
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