



  • - (運送; 傳送) deliver; carry:

    deliver newspaper; 送報

    deliver medical care right to the patient's home; 送醫送葯上門

    - (贈送) give as a present; give:

    My sister gave me a book. 姐姐送我一本書。

    He sent me a return present. 他給我送了回禮。

    - (伴送; 送別) see sb. off [out]; accompany; escort:

    see a guest to the door; walk a guest to the gate; 把客人送到門口

    see sb. off at the station; 到車站送人



  1. 公爵命令僕人把一封信送給國王。
    The duke ordered the servant to send a letter to the king.
  2. 他由於偷竊被送入監獄。
    He was sent into prison for stealing.
  3. 她工作的時候就把小兒子送到託兒所。
    She sent her little son to a nursery when she was working.
  4. 他們送給他一幅駿馬圖。
    They sent him a painting of steeds.
  5. 我們送些酬勞,對您的大力協助聊表謝意。
    We are sending you some money in acknowledgement of your valuable help.
  6. 報紙每天都送來。
    Newspapers are delivered every day.
  7. 北京廣播電台向全世界播送新聞。
    Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world.
  8. 給人送生日禮物是慣常的事。
    It's customary to give people gifts on their birthdays.


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