



  • - (強取;搶)take by force; seize; wrest:

    The usurper wrested the power from the king. 篡位者從國王手裡奪得了權力。

    He seized the package from my hand. 他從我手中奪走了包裹。

    - (用力沖開) force one's way:

    force open the door and rush out; force one's way out; 奪門而出

    Tears started from one's eyes. 眼淚奪眶而出。

    - (爭先取到) contend for; compete for; strive for:

    carry off the first prize; 奪得冠軍

    strive for high yields; 奪高產

    - (使失去) deprive:

    Lung cancer deprived him of his life. 肺癌奪去了他的生命。

    - (失去) lose; take away:

    do not take away people's time for planting and harvest 勿奪農時

    - (做決定) decide:

    consider and decide; 裁奪

    make a final decision 定奪

    - (文字脫漏) omit (word in a text)



  1. 船員奪船未遂,均以叛亂罪被槍決。
    The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.
  2. 你爭我奪是粗魯的行為。
    It's rude to snatch.
  3. 他們不僅搶奪你的財物,還要把每樣東西都搗毀。
    Not only do they rob you, they smash everything too.
  4. 他從她的手中把它搶奪過來。
    He wrested it from her hands.
  5. 他們要制止富人掠奪窮人。
    They would stop the rich from robbing the poor.


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