



  • - (重量小; 比重小) light:

    light as a swallow; 身輕如燕

    Oil is lighter than water. 油比水輕。

    - (數量少; 程度淺) small in number, degree, etc.:

    be very young; 年紀很輕

    be seriously wounded; 傷得不輕

    - (不重要) not important:

    carry a light responsibility; 責任輕

    have an important bearing on 關係不輕

    - (輕鬆) light; relaxed:

    light music 輕音樂

  • - (用力不大、不猛) gently; softly; lightly:

    handle with care; handle gently; 輕拿輕放

    Be quiet! The patient is asleep. 病人睡著了,輕點兒!

    - (輕率) rashly:

    readily believe 輕信

  • - (輕視) belittle; make light of:

    take sth. lightly; 掉以輕心

    Scholars tend to scorn each other. 文人相輕。



  1. 人們誤以為選修語言課程較輕鬆「
    Language courses are wrongly thought to be soft options.
  2. 客人們說他們不反對聽聽輕音樂。
    The guests said that they wouldn't mind having a little light music.
  3. 我們可以輕鬆地開始工作。
    We can set to work with a light heart.
  4. 她以輕快優雅的步子奔上樓去。
    She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step.
  5. 微風輕拂著她的臉頰。
    The light wind gently brushed her cheek.
  6. 鋁是一種輕薄並呈銀色的金屬。
    Aluminum is a kind of light silvery metal.
  7. 她要把輕活兒分給誰?
    Who will she allot the easy jobs to?


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