



  • - (稱讚; 承認優點) praise:

    esteem and commend; 推許

    praise; commend 讚許

    - (答應) promise:

    He promised me a ticket. 他許過我1張票。

    He made promises of a large reward. 他許下要給大報酬的諾言。

    - (允許;許可) allow; permit:

    Smoking is not permitted here. 此處不許吸煙。

    Only fifty kilos are allowed for personal luggage. 每人只許攜帶50公斤行李。

    - (許配) betroth a girl; engage to; affianced to sb.
  • - (也許; 或許) maybe; possibly; perhaps:

    He didn't come today; perhaps he's ill. 他今天沒來,許是生病了。

    Perhaps he isn't coming. 他許不來了。

    - (表示程度或大約的數目) about; approximately:

    about forty years old; 年許40

    somewhat; a little 少許

  • - (處; 地方) place:

    Where does the person come from? 何許人?

    - (周朝國名) Xu, a state in the Zhou Dynasty
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Xu Shen 許慎



  1. 我丈夫不允許我染指甲。
    My husband doesn't allow me to paint my nails.
  2. 警察是不允許接受酬金的。
    The police are not allowed to accept rewards.
  3. 他決不允許有異議。
    He will permit no contradiction.
  4. 你沒有許可證就不能在這裡工作。
    You can't work here without a work permit.
  5. 如果時間許可的話,我開完會就來。
    I'll come after the meeting if time permits.
  6. 此處不許吸煙。
    You are not permitted to smoke here.
  7. 這裡不許吸煙。
    Smoking is not allowed here.


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