



  • - (價值; 數值) price; value:

    currency value; 幣值

    specific value; ratio; 比值

    - {數} value:

    absolute value; 絕對值

    cut value 切割值

  • - (貨物和價錢相當) be worth:

    not worth mentioning; 不值一提

    This car is not worth 50,000 dollars. 這車不值5萬美元。

    - (碰上; 遇到) happen to; come upon:

    at such a critical time; 值此危急之秋

    on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of your National Day; 值此貴國五十周年國慶之際

    - (擔任輪到的職務) be on duty; take one's turn at sth.:

    work in shifts; take turns; 輪值

    be on night duty; be on the night shift; 值夜



  1. 以犧牲健康來求得工作上的成功是不值得的。
    Success in your job is not worth the sacrifice of your health.
  2. 這些發現毫無價值。
    These discoveries are not worth the candle.
  3. 試驗沒有成功,儘管如此,還是值得做的。
    The experiment failed. It was, nevertheless, worth making.
  4. 那個工人的誠實是值得我們學習的。
    The faithfulness of the worker is worth to be learned by us.
  5. 這些價值對於我們的生活方式是至關重要的。
    Such values are central to our way of life.
  6. 這棟房子值很多錢。
    The house is worth a lot of money.
  7. 任何值得做的事就值得做好。
    Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
  8. 學英文是值得的。
    It is worth while to learn English.


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