



  • - (彎曲; 使彎) bend; bow; crook:

    crook one's arm; 屈臂

    bend and stretch the limbs freely 屈伸自如

    - (屈服; 使屈服) subdue; submit:

    indomitable; dauntless; unyielding; 不屈不撓

    would rather die than yield 寧死不屈

    - (委屈; 冤枉) suffer wrong or injustice:

    You wronged him when you said that he was dishonest. 你說他不誠實是屈了他了。

    He did me a great injustice by calling me a liar 他說我撒謊,這太屈我了。

  • - (理虧) in the wrong:

    have a weak case 理屈

  • - (委屈;冤枉) wrong; injustice:

    complain about an injustice; 叫屈

    be wronged 受屈

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Qu Yuan 屈原



  1. 屈膝禮一種主要由婦女做的表示尊重或恭敬的動作,彎曲雙膝,一腳向前邁並使身體下坐
    A gesture of respect or reverence made chiefly by women by bending the knees with one foot forward and lowering the body.
  2. 那位演講者在觀眾嚴厲的斥責面前吸得屈服。
    The speaker had to bow before a storm of abuse from the audience.
  3. 他們拒絕屈從於劫機者的要求。
    They refused to bend to the hijackers' demands.
  4. 這老僕在他們面前卑躬屈節,極盡巴結謅媚之能事。
    The old servant bowed and scraped before them, too obedient and eager to please.
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