



  • - (方形; 方體) square:

    square; 正方

    rectangle 長方

    - {數} (乘方) involution; power:

    square; 平方

    cube; 立方

    - (方向) direction:

    in all directions; 四面八方

    (of a family or friends) separated far away; live far apart from each other; 天各一方

    - (方面) side; party:

    both sides [parties]; 雙方

    the other party; the opposite side; 對方

    - (地方) place; region; locality:

    a remote place; 遠方

    local accent 方音

    - (方法) method; way:

    exercise good teaching; 教導有方

    by all kinds of methods; in a hundred and one ways; 千方百計

    - (方子) prescription:

    proved recipe; 驗方

    folk prescription; 偏方兒

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Fang Yizhi 方以智

  • - (方的) square:

    a square tower; 方塔

    a square bracket; 方括弧

    - (正直) upright; honest; fair-minded:

    have an upright character; 品行方正

    smooth on the surface, firm at heart 外圓內方

  • - (正在; 正當) just; just then; at the time when:

    there will be a time for that; 來日方長

    at present; nowadays 方今

    - (方才) just now:

    as if just awakening from a dream; 如夢方醒

    be just eighteen years old 年方18

  • - (用於方形物):

    a handkerchief 一方手帕

    - (平方或立方的簡稱):

    cubic metres of earth or stone work; 土石方

    a cubic metre of lumber; 一方木材



  1. 石塊朝四面八方亂飛。
    Stones were flying about in every direction.
  2. 這陣風來自西北方。
    The wind is in the northwestern direction.
  3. 恐怕我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路。
    I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost.
  4. 我們走的方向對嗎?
    Are we going in the right direction?
  5. 這個屋子的面積是80平方米。
    The overall measurement of this room is 80 square meters.
  6. 這個農場的面積約為50或60平方公里。
    The farm is about 50 or 60 square kilometers in the area.
  7. 小女孩在紙上畫了一個正方形。
    The little girl drew a square on the paper.
  8. 正方形有四條邊,而圓形沒有邊。
    A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.


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