



  • - (聲音) sound; voice:

    the muffled sound of the gong; 沉悶的鑼聲

    sharp metallic sound; 刺耳的金屬聲

    - (名聲) reputation:

    reputation; fame; prestige 聲譽

    - (聲母) initial consonant (of a Chinese syllable):

    alliteration 雙聲

    - (聲調) tone:

    the four tones in classical and modern Chinese 四聲

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Sheng Bo 聲伯

  • - (發出聲音; 宣布; 陳述) make a sound; declare; announce:

    not utter a word; keep quiet 不聲不響

  • - (表示聲音發出的次數):

    the report of a cannon; 一聲炮響

    I called him twice. 我喊了他兩聲。



  1. 吵鬧聲使他煩躁。
    The loud noise chafed him.
  2. 他聽到身後有響聲,便轉過身來。
    He turned around as he heard a noise behind him.
  3. 馬路上來往的車輛聲音不斷地破壞我們家的安寧。
    The noise of cars passing along the road is a continual disturbance to our quiet at home.
  4. 她很厭煩那些沒完沒了的嘈雜聲。
    She feels wearisome by the constant noise.
  5. 他害怕得聲音發抖。
    His voice shook with fear.
  6. 他的聲音在空蕩的大廳里發出回聲。
    His voice echoed in the big empty hall.
  7. 我聽到遠處有個微弱的聲音。
    I heard a faint sound in the distance.
  8. 最小的響聲也會嚇著這個膽小的孩子的。
    The least noise would startle the timid child.


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