



  • - (能) can; be able to:

    be unable to leave what one is doing at the moment; can't get away; 不克分身

    can not have it as one wished 弗克如願

    - (克服; 克制) restrain; control:

    exercise restraint; 克制

    Softness can overcome strength. 柔能克剛。

    - (攻下據點; 戰勝) overcome; subdue; capture (a city, etc.):

    capture one important city after another; 迭克名城

    be invincible 攻無不克

    - (消化) digest
    - (減少應給的數量) cut down; reduce
    - (嚴格限定期限) set a time limit:

    set a date for completing the wor 剋期完工

  • - (公制重量或質量單位) gram (g.)
    - (藏族容量單位,一克青稞約二十五斤) a Tibetan unit of volume or dry measure (holding about 25 jin of barley)
    - (藏族土地面積單位,約合一市畝) a Tibetan unit of land area equal to about 1 mu



  1. 這家公司必須克服對採用新技術的阻力。
    The firm has to overcome its resistance to new technology.
  2. 如果我們要克服困難,我們就要有進取精神。
    We need a spirit of enterprise if we are to overcome our difficulties.
  3. 這瓶咖啡凈重180克。
    The net weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams.
  4. 一公斤等於一千克。
    One kilogram equals 1000 grams.
  5. 他設法克制住了陣陣憤怒。
    He managed to subdue his mounting anger.


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