



  • - (停止) stop; halt; cease; pause:

    halt the bombing; 停炸

    pause and ponder; 停下細想

    - (停留) stay; remain; stop off [over]:

    The ship remained in anchorage for a month. 船在錨地停了一個月。

    On my way to New York, I stopped over in Tokyo for two days. 我在去紐約的途中在東京停了兩天。

    - (停放; 停泊) park; place; anchor; berth:

    The car parked at the gateway. 車停在大門口。

    Where did the ship berth? 船停在何處?

  • - (總數分成幾份,其中的一份) part; portion; out of ten:

    Nine out of ten families are gone. 十停兒人家去了九停兒。

  • - (停當) ready; settled; well-arranged



  1. 新法令授予警察可以在街上截停任何人的權利。
    The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street.
  2. 汽車停止時震動了一下。
    The car stopped with a jolt.
  3. 飛機停在那個大機庫里。
    The plane stopped in that big hangar.
  4. 因為那些野蠻的助威者,足球比賽不得不暫停。
    The football march had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters.
  5. 他說完話,接著是一段意味深長的停頓。
    His words were followed by a pregnant pause.
  6. 他停下來看了看筆記,然後繼續提問。
    He paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded with his questions.
  7. 馬感覺到了危險,於是停了下來。
    The horse sensed danger and stopped.
  8. 他立刻停止了彈鋼琴。
    He stopped playing the piano at once.


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