
[shì kě ér zhǐ]




適可而止 [shì kě ér zhǐ]
  • - not overdo sth.; A little wind kindles, much puts out the fire.; be satisfied with what is proper; Enough is as good as a feast.; Enough is enough.; leave it at that; Let it go at that.; keep from a steep undertaking; know how far to go; know when to stop; know where to stop and what to be content with; not to overdo a thing; play it just right; stop before going too far; Stop where [when] you reach the limit.; There's a limit.:

    I don't mind good, clean fun, but enough is enough. 我並不介意有趣、健康的玩笑,但要適可而止。

    But you must be more moderate in your drinking. Too much wine can easily lead to serious trouble! 不過以後喝酒要適可而止,喝多了容易誤事!

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