



  • - (跟隨) follow:

    be an apprentice; 從師

    follow the general custom; conform to custom; 從俗

    - (順從; 聽從) comply with; obey:

    comply with sb.'s wish; obey an order; 從命

    submit to; yield to 屈從

    - (從事; 參加) join; be engaged in:

    join the army; enlist 從軍

    - (採取某種方針或態度) in a certain manner or according to a certain principle:

    be lenient in treatment; 從寬處理

    be as quickly as possible; 從速

  • - (跟隨的人) follower; attendant:

    have a large following; 從者如雲

    attendant; retainer; retinue 隨從

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Cong Gong 從公

  • - (從屬的; 次要的) secondary; accessary:

    distinguish between the chief culprit and the accessary; 分別首從

    the primary and the secondary 主從

    - (堂房親屬) relationship between cousins,etc. of the same paternal grandfather, great-grandfather or a yet earlier common ancestor; of the same clan:

    first,second or distant cousin of the same clan; cousin 從兄

  • - (表示起於或經過) from; through:

    to the eye; on the face of it; 從表面看

    from a long-term point of view; in the long run; 從長遠看

  • - (從來 ,用在否定詞前面) ever:

    be never late; 從不遲到

    never give any consideration to personal fame and position; 從不計較個人的名譽地位



  1. 我想我們能從中學到許多。
    I think we may learn much from it.
  2. 一塊煤炭從火中掉出來,燒壞了地席。
    A coal fell from the fire and burned the mat.
  3. 我是今天早晨從報紙上知道這條消息的。
    I learned this piece of news from the newspaper this morning.
  4. 我從報紙上得知這個消息。
    I learned this news from the newspaper.
  5. 開往北京的火車將於半小時后從三站台開出。
    The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.
  6. 他把一盒食品從汽車上拿進來。
    He brought the box of groceries in from the car.
  7. 他從書架上隨便挑了一本書。
    He chose a book at a venture from the shelves.
  8. 淚水從她的眼睛里慢慢地滴下來。
    Tears distilled slowly from her eyes.


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