- Theodotus The Gnostic 狄奥多图斯
- This resembles the gnostic fallacy, a claim that only an initiated elite has access to a higher esoteric knowledge. 这复现了诺斯替教派的谬论(注:相信神秘直觉说的早期基督教派),声称只有神授的精英才能进入到更高的深奥的知识。
- The Gnostic influence can be seen in the New Testament, particularly the Gospel of John. 他的思想也有很多信徒,包括君士坦丁皇帝。
- The doctrine of reincarnation and the Gnostic mysteries of Christ were declared heresies by the Church in 553 A.D. 在公元553年,教会宣布,基督有关再生的教义和诺斯替神秘主义的教义为异端。
- But Simon's gnosis remained essentially Jewish and monotheistic, as did that of the Gnostic circles to which later parts of the New Testament allude. 但是,西蒙的诺斯替主义本质上保留着犹太教和一神论的元素,诺斯替的盘绕也映射在新旧的后期部分。
- Epiphanius, c. 375) and in the Gnostic writings themselves, reveals a diversity in theology, ethics, and ritual that defies strict classification. Epiphanius;c.;375),和诺斯替派文献本身里面被发现,展示出神学,道德规范和仪轨的差异,和对严格的阶级制度的反抗。
- The Gnostic's Nag Hamadi text "Apocalypse of Adam", for instance contains the account of the enlightenment Adam received, for which certain angels became jealous. 例如,诺斯替派纳哈马地文库文献“亚当的启示”,包括了对亚当所获得的启示的记载,为此某些天使变得妒忌起来。
- The Gnostic sects of the 2nd century made use of Hebrew and Christian religious writings, employing the allegorical method to extricate Gnostic meanings from them. 二世纪的诺斯替派使用希伯莱和基督宗教的作品,使用讽喻的方式去从它们那里散发出诺斯替的意义。
- Evola asserts that it represents the dissolution of the body, or the universal serpent which (to quote the Gnostic saying) \'passes through all things\'. 伊沃拉断言它代表了身体的分解(我觉得法性的分解比身体的分解贴切些),或者宇宙的大毒蛇(引自诺斯替派的话语)“穿透了万物”。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- In the Gnostic view, the unconscious self of man is consubstantial with the Godhead, but because of a tragic fall it is thrown into a world that is completely alien to its real being. 在诺斯替的观点里,无意识的人本身是与神的头是同质的,但是一个悲惨的堕落,因此掉进一个完成地与真实存在完全相异的一个世界上。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。