- ST段下斜downward sagging ST segment; sagging of ST segment
- ST段下斜型压低downsloping ST segment depression
- 下lower
- 下一next
- 一下(adj) one time; once
- 5个病人均有晕厥史,心电图静息时均表现为右侧胸前区导联V1,V2,V3中至少一个以上有ST段呈下斜形或鞍背状抬高,J点抬高超过2mm。All five patients had experienced episodes of syncope or aborted sudden death, ECG at rest showed coved type or saddleback type ST segment elevation in more than one precordial leads of V1,V2 and V3, with J wave > 2mm.
- 查找下一个find next
- 一段section
- 下的subaltern
- 下一个next
- 非ST段Non - ST elevation
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- 最初非相应ST段压低的急性心肌梗塞患者临床特征及预后Clinical features and prognosis of the initial non-corresponding ST-segment depression in patients with acute myocardial infarction
- 下周next week
- 上下up and down
- ST段下移ST segment depression
- ST段上斜upsloping ST segment
- 段下静脉infrasegmental vein
- ST段上抬ST segment elevation
- 看样子这座城市可能会有一段下霜的日子。It looked as if the city might be in for a frosty spell.