- SMA沥青混凝土SMA asphalt concrete
- SMA沥青Asphalt
- SMA沥青胶浆SMA mortar
- SMA沥青路面材料SMA bituminous pavement material
- 黄河滩区高速公路沥青混凝土路面分期实施技术应用初探On the Application of Construction by Stages of Pitch Concrete Road Surface on Highway in Yellow River Beaches
- GTM沥青混凝土GTM asphalt concrete
- 沥青混凝土基层asphalt concrete base
- 沥青混凝土加层asphalt pavement floor
- 纤维沥青混凝土fiber reinforced asphalt concrete
- 多孔沥青混凝土open-type asphaltic concrete
- 加筋沥青混凝土Reinforced asphalt concrete
- 沥青混凝土铺装层asphalt concrete pavements
- SBS改性沥青混凝土SBS modified asphalt concrete
- 浇筑式沥青混凝土cast asphalt concrete
- 多碎石沥青混凝土stone asphalt concrete (SAC)
- 沥青混凝土加铺层overlaying asphalt pavement
- AC-16Ⅰ型沥青混凝土asphalt concrete AC -16 Ⅰ
- 沥青混凝土拌和设备asphalt concrete mixing equipment
- Superpave沥青混凝土superpave asphalt concrete
- 透水沥青混凝土施工技术Pervious Asphalt Concrete Construction Technology