- SMA沥青Asphalt
- SMA沥青胶浆SMA mortar
- SMA沥青路面材料SMA bituminous pavement material
- SMA沥青砼SMA asphalt
- SMA沥青面层SMA asphalt layer
- SMA沥青路面SMA asphalt pavement
- SMA沥青混合料SMA asphalt mixture
- SMA沥青混凝土SMA asphalt concrete
- SMA沥青玛蹄脂碎石路面的工程质量控制Engineering Quality Control of SMA Asphalt Mastic Crushed Stone Pavement
- 目前,民航规范中SMA沥青混合料的纤维素经验掺量为0.3%-0.5%。At present, the SMA mixture cellulose experience mixes the quantity is 0.3%25-0.5%25 in the commercial aviation standard.
- 沥青油毡厂asphalt felt factory
- 使成沥青To treat with bitumen.
- 包皮沥青armoured bitumen
- 沥青垫层asphalt mattress
- 沥青SMAasphalt SMA
- PVC沥青PVC pitch
- 沥青运输船bitumen carrier
- 黄河滩区高速公路沥青混凝土路面分期实施技术应用初探On the Application of Construction by Stages of Pitch Concrete Road Surface on Highway in Yellow River Beaches
- 在马路铺沥青seal a Blacktop driveway.
- 中温沥青WMA