- PM2蛋白PM2 protein
- 一种大豆LEA3蛋白(PM2)及耐盐结构域可提高大肠杆菌和烟草植株耐盐性A Soybean LEA3 Protein (PM2) and Its Functional Region Could Improve Salt Tolerance of Escherichia Coli and Tobacco
- PM2.5PM2.5
- 把蛋白打到它们耸起。Beat the egg whites until they peak.
- PM2.5浓度PM2.5 concentration
- 燃煤PM2.5PM2.5 from coal combustion
- B蛋白B protein
- 气溶胶PM2.5aerosol PM2.5
- M蛋白M protein
- 沙尘暴PM2.5dust storm PM2.5
- 胃粘蛋白gastric mucin
- PM2被壳病毒PM2 corticovirus
- HU蛋白HU protein
- PM2噬菌体组PM2 phage group
- p-蛋白p-protein
- PM10和PM2.5PM10 and PM2.5
- 氨甲酰蛋白carbamino protein
- 燃烧源PM2.5PM2. 5 from combustion
- 白蛋白钙calcium albuminate
- 类脂噬菌体PM2lipid phage PM2