- 沙尘暴PM2.5dust storm PM2.5
- 沙尘暴sand storm; dust storm
- PM2.5PM2.5
- PM2.5浓度PM2.5 concentration
- 燃煤PM2.5PM2.5 from coal combustion
- 10是5的倍数。10 is a multiple of 5.
- PM2蛋白PM2 protein
- PM2被壳病毒PM2 corticovirus
- 5辆救火车仅过1小时就把火势控制住了。Five fire engines brought the blaze under control in just over an hour.
- PM2噬菌体组PM2 phage group
- 5除10得2。5 goes into 10 twice.
- 类脂噬菌体PM2lipid phage PM2
- 积雪达5英尺。Snow accumulated to a depth of five feet.
- 假单孢菌噬菌体PM2Pseudomonas PM2 phage
- 5个姑娘一列踏着木板走下来。Five girls in rank came stepping down the plank.
- 交替单胞菌PM2噬菌体Alteromonas phage PM2
- 零下5度5 degrees below zero
- 15减5得10。15 minus 5 leaves 10.
- 这小孩受了感染5天之后,发出一片红疹。The child broke out into a rash five days after being exposed to infection.
- 小镇占地5平方英里。The town covers 5 square miles.