- P1波P1 waves
- 平面P1波Plane P1 waves
- 波surge
- 黄斑中心凹P1波、N2波的潜伏期均较其他各区缩短。The latencies of P1 wave and N2 wave were shortest at the central fovea i n all fields.
- 波尔bohr
- ( 4)正常组与色觉异常组P1波的比较 ,潜伏期无差异 ,振幅在黑 白刺激下无差异 ,在颜色刺激下 ,差异有显著性。Between the two groups there were no differences in the P 1 latencise, but the P 1 amplitude of abnormal group elicited with the chromatic stimuli were obviously lower.
- 正弦波sine wave
- FO-P1波间期(IPL)异常占49%,FO-N2IPL异常占9.4%,结果提示糖尿病时除周围神经受累外,中枢神经系统也有受累。Marked differences were noted(P<0. 01). The abnormality rate of IPL of Fo P, was 49%25,and the prolongation of IPL of Fo N2 was 9. 4%25, suggesting that the peripheral and the central nerves were involved in diabetic patients.
- 驻波standing wave
- 波霸busty woman
- 小波变换wavelet transformation
- 波表wavetable
- 纹波ripples
- 三角波pyramidal wave
- 电子管使发射器产生脉冲波。The transmitter was pulsed by an electron tube.
- 脑波brainwave
- 波高wave height
- 波粒二象性wave corpuscle duality
- 波轮impeller
- 波状undulance