- Mining is an unhealthy job. 采矿是一种对身体有害的工作。
- Petticoat influence is an unhealthy tendency. 裙带风是一种不正之风。
- Yours is a lower berth, and mine is an upper one. 你的铺位是个下铺,我是个上铺。
- Outlier mining is an important part of data mining. 摘要离群数据挖掘是数据挖掘的重要内容。
- Yours is a lower berth,and mine is an upper one. 你的铺位是个下铺,我是个上铺。
- Association rule mining is an important task of data mining. 关联规则是数据开采的重要研究内容 .
- His brother is a driver; mine is a soldier and hers is an engineer. 他的哥哥是个司机,我的哥哥是个军人,她的哥哥是个工程师。
- This is an unhealthy tendency which represents the chief obstacle to successful management of schools and must be overcome. 这是一种很不好的倾向,是办好学校的主要障碍,应该纠正。
- Smog is an unhealthy mixture of smoke and fog in the air of some industrial cities. 烟雾是在一些工业城市的空气中烟与雾的混合物,是有害于健康的。
- Many think the people with anger problem are the ones who yell, scream and get physically aggressive. But not showing your anger is an unhealthy way of dealing with anger. 很多人以为只有大叫、具有身体攻击性的人们才算在愤怒上出了问题。但不表达愤怒一样也是不健康的愤怒处理方法。
- His brother is an accountant, mine is a bookkeeper and hers is a cashier. 他的哥哥是会计,我哥哥是簿记员,她的哥哥是出纳员。
- His brother is an accountant,mine is a bookkeeper and hers is a cashier. 他的哥哥是会计,我哥哥是簿记员,她的哥哥是出纳员。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- Dexing Copper Mine is an especially large porphyry copper mine in the world. 德兴铜矿是世界级特大型斑岩铜矿。
- That coal mine is no longer worked. 那个煤矿已经不经营了。
- Mine is here, and theirs are on the table. 我的在这里,他们的在桌子上。
- The indication is that it is an underworld killing. 迹象表明它是下流社会的谋杀。
- Mining is an exciting Profession used to gather materials for blacksmithing or engineering. 采矿是一项令人激动的专业技能,它可以为锻造以及机械制造采集提供原料。
- Her daughter Nancy is an ewe lamb to her. 她的女儿南希是她的心肝宝贝。
- A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来此暂住。