- FFT算法的一种FPGA实现An Implementation of FFT Algorithm Based on FPGA
- 彩色车牌的一种新的阈值分割算法的实现,可以参考实现其他型状的彩色分割,The colored car license one kind of new threshold value division algorithm realization, may refer colored realizes other shape to divide, matlab, Special Effects
- 一种基于RICE算法的遥感图像数据的实时无损压缩与解压缩算法的研究及FPGA实现Research and implementation of the algorithm for data real-time and lossless compression and decompression basing on RICE for remote sensing image
- 摘要根据旅行商问题(TSP)的邻域搜索算法的思想,提出了型材下料问题的一种优化算法。The paper based on the idea of K-OPT Algorithm for TSP, present a swap algorithm for the one-dimensional cutting-stock problem.
- LMS算法的FPGA实现是自适应天线阵用于实践的关键之一。FPGA-based implementation of LMS algorithm is one of the key techniques in the application of adaptive array antennas.
- 史密斯对一种新塑料的实验获得了成功,收到了很好的效果。Smith's experiment on a new kind of plastic has caught on and he's got a good result.
- 盲源分离信息最大化算法的FPGA实现FPGA Implementation of Infomax BSS Algorithm
- 对两个事件、状态或过程间的时间延迟的一种相对量度。A relative measure of the time delay between two events, states, or mechanisms.
- 基于CORDIC算法的QDDS设计及其FPGA实现QDDS Based on CORDIC Algorithm and Implementation with FPGA
- 磷酸果汁汽水将碳化水和调味果汁混合而成的一种苏打冷饮饮料A soda fountain drink made by blending carbonated water with flavored syrup.
- 基于CORDIC算法的坐标转换电路的FPGA实现FPGA Realization of Coordinate Conversion Solution Based on CORDIC Algorithm
- 广泛用于商业和科学领域中的一种计算机程序设计语言。A programming language designed for use in a wide range of commercial and scientific computer applications.
- Apriori算法的一种变形An Improved Apriori Algorithm
- 基于改进CORDIC算法的QDDS的FPGA实现及精度分析FPGA Implementation and Accuracy Analysis of QDDS Based on Ameliorated CORDIC Algorithm
- 耐风火柴过去用来点烟的一种燃烧很慢的火柴;耐风火柴A slow-burning match formerly used for lighting cigars; a fusee.
- 失业率高价格低贸易投资水平低的一种长期的经济状态。a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment.
- 神经网络BP算法的一种改进An Improvement in the BP Algorithm
- 恢复性司法:实现社会正义的一种进路Recoverable Judicature: One Kind of Admission Passage of Realizing Social Just
- 一种归一化开方算法的单片机程序实现A Sort of Reducing to One's Extraction Arithmetic Method Carried Out in SCM Programs
- 把一种无线电频率和当地不同的另一种频率混合的一起。combine (a radio frequency wave) with a locally generated wave of a different frequency so as to produce a new frequency equal to the sum or the difference between the two.