- Apriori算法的一种变形An Improved Apriori Algorithm
- 彩色车牌的一种新的阈值分割算法的实现,可以参考实现其他型状的彩色分割,The colored car license one kind of new threshold value division algorithm realization, may refer colored realizes other shape to divide, matlab, Special Effects
- 针对Apriori算法的不足,提出了一种新的关联规则的高效挖掘算法。To the deficiency of Apriori algorithm, this dissertation brings forward a high-efficient algorithm for mining association rule.
- 其设计思想来自连接型快速扩展随机树算法,快速扩展随机树的一种变形。The inspiration of design comes from RRT-Connect algorithm, a variation of RRT.
- 在原有的Apriori算法的基础上提出了在关系数据库中的可拓关联规则挖掘算法。The creation in this paper is that we present an algorithm of association rules,discovery based on extension transformation and Apriori algorithm.
- 文卷表面的一种变形。A distortion of the surface of a document.
- 给出了一个Apriori算法的改进算法,能有效提高原Apriori算法的时间效率。Presenting and proving an algorithm to improve the Aprioria I go r it h m.
- 用S变换法:拉氏交换的一种变形,可得封闭解,并有例示。The closed form solution can be obtained from method of S-transformation: a variation of Laplace transformation.
- 这类模型的另一种变形是,物质在大尺度时变得稀薄,形成碎形的图样。In a variant on this model, matter thins out on large scales in a fractal pattern.
- 第二种是TID算法,此算通过减少对数据库的扫描次数完成了对Apriori算法优化。The second is TID algorithm,which make the Apriori algorithm more efficient by reducing the times of scanning database.
- 公开密钥密码体制RSA算法的一种实现Realization method of RSA algorithm in public-key cryptosystem
- FFT算法的一种FPGA实现An Implementation of FFT Algorithm Based on FPGA
- 一种优化的Apriori算法An optimized Apriori algorithm
- 对于上面描述的叠加过程,有一种方便的变形,它就是称为褶积的一种数学运算。A convenient variation upon the process of superposition thus described is a mathematical operation designated as convolution.
- 一种图象变形映射算法的研究Study of A Mapping Algorithm for Image Morphing
- 数据过滤算法的一种改进The Improvement of An Approach for Data Filtering
- 通过对Apriori算法挖掘过程进行分析,提出了一种基于事务压缩的关联规则挖掘算法。With the aid of the analysis of mining association rules,a method of mining association rules based on reducing transaction is proposed,which makes best use of property of Apriori.
- 一种有效的遥感图像无损压缩算法的实现The Implement of A Effective Lossless Compression Algorithm for Remote Sensing Images
- 神经网络BP算法的一种改进An Improvement in the BP Algorithm
- 挖掘关联规则中的一种优化的Apriori算法An Optimized Apriori Algorithm for Mining Association Rules