- Cantelli征Cantelli's sign
- 征journey
- Borel-Cantelli引理Borel - Cantelli lemma
- 关于Borel-Cantelli引理On Borel-Cantelli Lemma
- 本征intrinsic(al)
- 起征点threshold
- 该方法使用两参数Borell-Cantelli引理和布朗单的最大值不等式,证明较有概率论方法特点,并且类似于单指标布朗运动的情形。This proof uses two-parameter Borel-Cantelli lemma and maximum inequality of Brownian sheet, which shows more characteristic in probability way. And the process of the proof is similar to that of single-parameter Brownian motion.
- 征得obtain
- 指征indicatio
- 代征levy on the behalf
- 征得同意进行核查verification by consent
- 起征begin to levy
- 本征值proper value
- 第二性征secondary sex characteristic
- 强征impress
- 征免collect or exempt from
- 征人traveller on a long journey
- 商业征信所mercantile agency
- 非本征光电离extrinsic photoionization
- 征名name-assemblying