- 关于Borel-Cantelli引理On Borel-Cantelli Lemma
- Borel-Cantelli引理Borel - Cantelli lemma
- 该方法使用两参数Borell-Cantelli引理和布朗单的最大值不等式,证明较有概率论方法特点,并且类似于单指标布朗运动的情形。This proof uses two-parameter Borel-Cantelli lemma and maximum inequality of Brownian sheet, which shows more characteristic in probability way. And the process of the proof is similar to that of single-parameter Brownian motion.
- 不理refuse to acknowledge
- Cantelli征Cantelli's sign
- 导引steering
- 他看过许多关于这一方面的书。He has read many books on the subject.
- 华东理工大学East China University Of Science and Technology
- 关于仲裁有什么问题吗?Any question about arbitration?
- Borel方向Borel direction
- 引资bring in funds
- 理货tally
- 他的演讲是关于当代美国小说家的。His lecture is on contemporary American novelists.
- 公共Borel点commmon Borel point
- 外引introduce
- 不讲理的brutal
- 他讲了一个关于虚构的地方的故事。He told a story about an imaginary land.
- 他在宴会上当引座员。He ushered at the banquet.
- 理屈have a weak case
- 关于环境保护问题的讨论会a seminar on environmental protection