- Buck Mulligan answered. ”勃克·穆利根回答说。
- -- I'm ready, Buck Mulligan answered, going towards the door. “我准备好了,”勃克·穆利根边回答边朝门口走去。
- Buck Mulligan asked impatiently. ”勃克·穆利根不耐烦地问道。
- Buck Mulligan sat down to unlace his boots. 勃克·穆利根坐下来解他那高腰靴子的带子。
- Buck Mulligan sat down in a sudden pet. 勃克·穆利根突然气恼起来,一屁股坐下。
- Buck Mulligan showed a shaven cheek over his right shoulder. 勃克·穆利根从右肩侧过他那半边刮好的脸。
- Buck Mulligan frowned at the lather on his razorblade. 勃克·穆利根朝着剃胡刀上的肥皂沫皱了皱眉。
- Buck Mulligan, walking forward again, raised his hands. 勃克·穆利根又朝前走了,并举起双手。
- Buck Mulligan at once put on a blithe broadly smiling face. 勃克·穆利根的脸上立刻绽满欢快的笑容。
- The oval equine faces.Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell. lantern jaws. 一张张椭圆形马脸的坦普尔、勃克·穆利根、狐狸坎贝尔、长下巴颏儿。
- Buck Mulligan turned suddenly for an instant towards Stephen but did not speak. 勃克·穆利根抽冷子回头瞅了斯蒂芬一眼,然而并没吱声。
- Buck Mulligan stood on a stone, in shirtsleeves, his unclipped tie rippling over his shoulder. 勃克·穆利根站在石头上,他穿了件衬衫,没有别夹子的领带在肩上飘动。
- I blow him out about you, Buck Mulligan said, and then you come along with your lousy leer and your gloomy jesuit jibes. “我对他把你大吹了一通,”勃克·穆利根说,“可你却令人不快地斜眼瞟着,搬弄你那套耶酥会士的阴郁的嘲讽。”
- Buck Mulligan slung his towel stolewise round his neck and, bending in loose laughter, said to Stephen's ear:-- O, shade of Kinch the elder! 勃克·穆利根将他的浴巾像祭带[89]般绕在脖子上,纵声笑得前仰后合,跟斯蒂芬咬起耳朵说:“噢,老金赤[90]的阴魂!
- STATELY, PLUMP BUCK MULLIGAN CAME FROM THE STAIRHEAD, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. 体态丰满而有风度的勃克·穆利根从楼梯口出现。他手里托着一钵肥皂沫,上面交叉放了一面镜子和一把剃胡刀。
- Buck Mulligan made way for him to scramble past and, glancing at Haines and Stephen, crossed himself piously with his thumbnail at brow and lips and breastbone. 勃克·穆利根闪过身子,让他爬过去,瞥了海恩斯和斯蒂芬一眼,用大拇指甲虔诚地在额头、嘴唇和胸骨上面了十字[126]。
- Buck Mulligan sighed and having filled his mouth with a crust thickly buttered on both sides, stretched forth his legs and began to search his trouser pockets. 勃克·穆利根叹了口气,并把两面都厚厚地涂满黄油的一块面包皮塞进嘴里,两条腿往前一伸,开始掏起裤兜来。
- Buck Mulligan tossed the fry on to the dish beside him. Then he carried the dish and a large teapot over to the table, set them down heavily and sighed with relief. 勃克·穆利根将煎蛋轻轻地甩到身旁的盘子里,然后端过盘子和一把大茶壶,使劲往桌上一放,舒了一口气。
- Buck Mulligan asked. ”勃克·穆利根问。
- It was unfair that Ivan answered for my mischief. 伊凡为我的胡闹去受惩罚是不公平的。