- 黑体轨迹的Chebyshev法plank locus Chebyshev method
- 法law
- 这是另一个带有轨迹的影片。注意周围的那些裂痕和尘埃。Here is another focus movie with a track in it. Notice all the cracks and dust around.
- 说法statement
- 轨迹locus
- 重力、科里奥利力和不同等级风速对射击比赛中子弹飞行轨迹的影响Influence of Gravity, Coriolis Force and Different Levels of Wind Speed on the Flight Trajectory of Bullets During Shooting Competitions
- 输入法input method
- 除法division
- 一种有效追踪油气运移轨迹的新方法--断面优势运移通道的提出及其应用A New Method for Effective Trace Petroleum Migration Path--Concept of Fault Section Dominant Migrating Channel and Its Application
- 分析法analytical method
- 商法commercial law
- 轨迹的方程equation of locus
- 色度图中,表征不同温度下黑体辐射的色坐标的点的轨迹。The locus of points in a chromaticity diagram that represents chromaticities of the radiation of Planckian radiators at different temperatures.
- 精确分析电磁聚焦系统结构参数微小变化对粒子轨迹的影响Accurate Calculation of Influence of Electrode Perturbation in Electromagnetic Focusing System on Particle Trajectory
- 终点场-相轨迹的terminal field
- 分离点-根轨迹的breakaway point
- 记录离子粒运动轨迹的装置an instrument that records the tracks of ionizing particles
- 髌骨运动轨迹的实验性研究Specialized Experiments for the Moving Track of the Knee Cap
- 分形参数对轴心轨迹的影响Influence of Fractal Parameters on Trait of Bearing Center