- 霍伊特纯A合金hoyt's genuine A alloy
- Mg、Zr对GH_(33)A合金高温疲劳以及静、动态蠕变行为的影响Influence of Magnesium and Zirconium on High Temperature HCF, Static and Dynamic Creep Behaviours in Disc Material GH33A Superalloys
- 特纯的extra pure
- 特纯试剂ultrapure reagent
- n. 特纯陈年老酿V.S.O.P.
- 霍伊特锡锑铜合金Hoyt alloy
- 不仅A而且not merely A but also B
- 特急be specially urgent
- 与其说A不如说not so much A as B
- 特纯物质ultrapure substance
- 该动物的头盖骨被查尔斯.霍伊和其父送至史密森学会,被确认为一种新的物种。Charles Hoy and his father sent the skull to the Smithsonian Institution, where it was identified as a new species.
- A股A-share
- 分析纯analytically pure
- 特卖sell
- 为了能赶到每年的白鲟捕捞季节开幕式,我们开车违反了所有的车速限制(约翰·霍伊)We violate all speed limits.to catch the opening of the annual paddlefish snagging season(John Hoey)
- 把A误以为take A for B
- 特洛伊Troy
- 不纯impurity
- 为了能赶到每年的白鲟捕捞季节开幕式,我们开车违反了所有的车速限制(b约翰·霍伊)We violate all speed limits.to catch the opening of the annual paddlefish snagging season(bJohn Hoey)
- 纯美pure and beautiful